Tuesday, August 20, 2013

an artist a day (not really) : Adam Frew

It has occurred to me that the majority of the potters I feature here are female. This is totally by accident, for real. (Granted there is probably some unconscious thing in my brain where I am searching for a lady role model....cuz I am a lady, etc.)
In truth, what hooks me is the work, not the gender. Something grabs hold of my eyes and I say "YEAH! THAT'S THE STUFF!"
....and so I see Adam Frew as his work and say, "YEAH! THAT'S THE STUFF!".

simple sweet drawings on simple sweet forms
that, and I am a jar addict.....but his non jar pieces are lovely as well!
Just pure playful imagination and joy in making lines.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

an artist a day (not really) : Sara Paloma

I like how Sara Paloma prefers to sell her work in sets, not wanting to break up such a happy (and plump) little family.
With exception of the occasional loner....who, while still very lovely, looks a little sad on his own.
Poor (sweet) fella.


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

an artist a day (not really) : Young Mi Kim

A ceramic artist and designer of books, pouches, and say-er of pleasant words like these,
"Like all artists, I am always excited that something is absorbed into my body and it is brought back out into the world with clay. I sincerely hope that my works can be a start of a ‘warm echo’ for
someone."...Young Mi Kim

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

an artist a day (not really) : Chang Hyun Bang

I'm drawn to the spaces Chang Hyun Bang's work creates. Odd and beautiful little plateaus inhabited by wild/traditional ceramic textures and tiny pigs...what a world!


Monday, July 8, 2013

an artist a day (not really) : Gwyn Hanssen Pigott

As continued testament to how little I know about the ceramic art world, I had not heard of Gywn Hanssen Pigott  until I read in the ny times that she had passed away recently. I can see her influence in many of the contemporary ceramic artists I admire and feel a kinship with her work even if we are newly acquainted.


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

an artist a day (not really) : Katharine Morling

While thinking about lines and drawing in ceramic work, the artist Katharine Morling comes to mind. Her sculptures playfully move in between the 2D and 3D. Pieces brought to life by the lines applied to them and lines brought to life by the object they decorate.


more lessons in glazing

This weekends glaze firing was full of experiments, some worked (yay!) and some did not (sigh).
Quick recap :
Some (white) glazes DO NOT like to be applied with a brush...inconsistencies in the glaze thickness show up very clearly. When it's too thin, see below.
When it's too thick, see below
So next go around, I'd like to try dipping. The blue does well with painting so I'll keep that rolling.
Also, I want to play with the thickness and thinness of the masked area. It looks a little too thick to me. I would also like to keep the "motif" farther away from the Celtic knot and have something closer to a scribble or string. I wonder if the thickness of the line is the key.